Na začátku října se v jihočeském Táboře konal Festival malých nakladatelů Tabook, který se i ve svém druhém ročníku snažil propojit malá nakladatelství, knihovny a vlastně všechny, které zajímá literatura. Na programu byla nejen autorská čtení a autogramiády, ale také výstavy, workshopy a dokonce i koncerty.
Po loňské příjemné zkušenosti jsme se letos vypravili na Tabook znovu a vzali s sebou také naši zahraniční dobrovolnici Alessandru, která pracuje v knihovně v rámci projektu Evropské dobrovolné služby. Její postřehy z Festivalu malých nakladatelů nabízíme níže.
On the 4th and 5th of October I had the great occasion to attend the Tabook Festival, a book fair that takes part in the town of Tabor. Tabor is a city in the South of Bohemia, and its very condensed historical center can be easily discovered and explored in few hours. Tabor's old town is very pretty and it is a pleasure to walk along its small and characteristic streets, with colourful historical buildings and nice café.
Tabook Festival is at his second edition. It is a literary festival focused mainly on the work of small publishers, where a lot of workshops, meetings and presentations take part in a lively atmosphere. What gives a more lively atmosphere is, that not only Czech personalities take part in the event, but also foreign authors and publishers participate in the programme so the festival has also international mood.
Po loňské příjemné zkušenosti jsme se letos vypravili na Tabook znovu a vzali s sebou také naši zahraniční dobrovolnici Alessandru, která pracuje v knihovně v rámci projektu Evropské dobrovolné služby. Její postřehy z Festivalu malých nakladatelů nabízíme níže.
On the 4th and 5th of October I had the great occasion to attend the Tabook Festival, a book fair that takes part in the town of Tabor. Tabor is a city in the South of Bohemia, and its very condensed historical center can be easily discovered and explored in few hours. Tabor's old town is very pretty and it is a pleasure to walk along its small and characteristic streets, with colourful historical buildings and nice café.
Tabook Festival is at his second edition. It is a literary festival focused mainly on the work of small publishers, where a lot of workshops, meetings and presentations take part in a lively atmosphere. What gives a more lively atmosphere is, that not only Czech personalities take part in the event, but also foreign authors and publishers participate in the programme so the festival has also international mood.
On Friday for example, I attended the meeting with the French author Timothee de Fombelle, who was presenting his recent novel Vango. It was very interesting, the author is great and he was available for questions and other requests from the public.
A lot of different other meetings took part in the same day: workshops with children, debates about pictorial books today, book presentations. During the evening a nice concert of an original Slovak band of the Slovak independent music scene juiced up the atmosphere.
On Saturday, I met some librarians from Czech Republic in the Municipal library of Tabor: they discussed about problems and strong points of Czech libraries today. For me it was very interesting and motivating, because I could compare their point of view with my experience in the Italian libraries, discovering that a lot of points are very similar. Then, during the morning, a guided tour of Tabook's exhibitions took part in the city: it was interesting and nice, thanks to the sunny day too. How to promote Czech Literature abroad, the Forgotten Tabor (a look to the old places and how they have changed during the years), literary clubs were just part of the rich programme during the rest of day.
At the end of two days, I felt happy and satisfied, because for me Tabook has been a great experience: I could take part to an interesting and lively event, I’ve known new publishers and authors, I could compare the Czech literary situation with the Italian one, and had the opportunity to keep more in contact with the fascinating Czech culture.
Bližší informace k Evropské dobrovolné službě jsou dostupné na
Text a foto: Alessandra Lomonaco
Stručný český úvod: Zuzana Čermáková
Stručný český úvod: Zuzana Čermáková
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